Gut Health and Its Impact on Anxiety

The gut contains a variety of bacteria. Among them, good bacteria act as catalysts in various physiological processes in the body.

The source of all bodily diseases is the stomach. You must have heard this a lot. From a young age, people always emphasized keeping the stomach cool. Sometimes it’s drinking pure water, sometimes it’s avoiding spicy food, sometimes it’s herbal drinks. But as you grow older, you realize that all these remedies actually keep your gut healthy. There are various types of bacteria in the gut. The good bacteria work as components in various physiological processes in the body. However, recent research suggests that not only for the body, but the good bacteria in the gut also have an impact on mental health.

Many people put the full responsibility on the brain when it comes to depression, but this is not the case. Doctors say that a special medium protects the connection between the brain and the stomach. In medicine, that is known as the ‘gut-brain axis’. Through this two-way communication system, sometimes the gut stimulates the brain, and sometimes the brain stimulates the gut.

The gut microbiota plays a key role in this process. So maintaining a balance between good and bad bacteria in the gut is essential for good mental health.

However, not everyone has the same type of microbiota in their body. According to doctors, the species of bacteria in everyone’s gut is different, just like a fingerprint. Who has what kind of bacteria in their body depends on genes, diet, and environment. A proper understanding of the types and species of these bacteria makes it easier to treat mental illness.

An imbalance of bacteria in the gut is medically called dysbiosis. Researchers say dysbiosis can cause diseases like anxiety, depression, and even Alzheimer’s.

What kind of food to eat to keep mind and stomach good?

Eating healthy food and leading a healthy lifestyle are very effective to keep calm your mind and also improve your gut health. What we eat directly affects our mental health and some foods are very effective against depression. Some foods work against oxidative stress and inflammation, so we need to be aware of what we eat.

Some foods like high-rich fiber, probiotics, and fermented food are very helpful for our gut. If we can improve our gut health, it will also affect our mental health.

Some foods that can reduce anxiety are:

  • Fermented food: Fermented food is very helpful for our gut. We already know that there is a connection between gut and brain. By eating fermented food,  can affect our gut and mental health. Some fermented foods, like kimchi, curd, and tempeh, contain live bacteria called probiotics. These foods help to grow good gut bacteria in our gut. This reduces inflammation and improves nerve transmission, or chemical communication. It helps regulate mood and cognitive abilities.
  • Green vegetables: Green vegetables provide nutrition to the brain which can help maintain good mental health. These contain polyphenols, vitamin A, and vitamin C which can help keep our brain fresh and healthy. Vitamin C can eliminate excess stress hormones in our body and reduce our stress.
  • Fatty fish: Fatty fish have omega-3 acids which can improve our mental and gut health. This type of fat protects the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation, which are associated with mood disorders. Include fatty fish in your diet to improve your gut health.
  • Fruits: Raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry contain fiber which is very beneficial for our gut health. These fruits are beneficial for maintaining the microbiome in our gut. They help maintain a healthy mind, control inflammation, and balance neuronal and gut communication.
  • Dark chocolate: Another food that can keep the mind healthy is dark chocolate. It is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols that increase brain activity and control neuroinflammation, resulting in the production of new neurons. Dark chocolate contains prebiotics that affect the gut. The good bacteria in the gut, through which the food gets, results in better brain health.

Some healthy lifestyles, which can also reduce anxiety are:

  • Doing exercise daily can reduce your stress level. Some exercises like walking or running, breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation are very helpful to improve your mental health. Starting your day by walking in the morning, morning fresh air can freshen your mind and remove anxiety.
  • Choose the best food which is beneficial for your gut. Make good eating habits.
  • Avoid oily food, smoking, and stress-inducing food. These foods can increase bad gut bacteria in your gut and will affect your mental health.

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