Spices with Healthy Benefits

Turmeric, garlic, basil, cinnamon, thyme, saffron, garlic, and ginger boost the immune system. Coriander, rosemary, cayenne, allspice, and black pepper can help fight depression.

A full stomach is good, but there is no satisfaction in anything from gas problems after eating food.

“Gastroenterologist” Kenneth Brown  said that some spices work very well in solving these problems.

In a report published on Well&Good.com, he referred to these spices as ‘gut-friendly’.


Coming from a root of a plant in the ginger family, this spice has been used for over 2,500 years in East Indian food to treat excess acidity and indigestion. It is also used to stop the growth of the bacterium H. pylori, which can cause stomach ulcers and even stomach cancer.

Known as the ‘golden spice’, it is rich in curcumin, an anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps in treating depression, arthritis, and post-exercise damage.

Dr. Brown mentions this and says, “In addition, some studies have shown that turmeric plays an effective role in intestinal health. It may improve ‘Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)’.”

Plus, it can treat a whole host of conditions from cuts, burns, and bruises when used topically to serving as a potent painkiller that is just as effective as ibuprofen.

Turmeric plays an important role in overcoming the problem of IBS by using it in cooking or taking it as a medicine.



This spice has the ability to reduce any kind of inflammation in the body. If there is any tissue damage or injury anywhere in the body, cinnamon can be beneficial.

Cinnamon plays a significant role in maintaining good intestinal health by improving digestion and reducing flatulence.

A study has shown that cinnamon is effective in controlling colon cancer. Regular consumption of cinnamon reduces the risk of colon cancer.


Ginger is a tropical plant that has been used in Asian cultures for thousands of years to treat stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea. In the U.S., it comes in a variety of convenient forms — lollipops, candies, capsules, and teas. You can also purchase the dried powder in the spice aisle of the grocery store or buy it fresh to make teas or grate into recipes.

This spice contains ingredients that improve digestion.


This herb is used as a condiment or garnish typically in East Indian dishes for flavoring. But for those who have IBS-D, the oil from the seed can be more beneficial as it can help with diarrhea. It is antispasmodic, which helps relax the digestive muscles. Plus, it has antioxidant properties that help protect cells from free radicals.


Research has shown that cumin can help with several types of digestive issues. In one study, cumin extract significantly relieved irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms like belly pain, bloating, and the urgent need to go to the bathroom.


Garlic is very beneficial for heart diseases; you can eat raw garlic for heart health. It also helps lower cholesterol and blood clotting. Garlic contains sulfur and organosulfur compounds. Garlic contains amino acids which protect our stomach from bacterial cancer. Garlic also has antioxidant and antibiotic properties, which can cure colds and coughs. It also helps boost our immune system.

Fennel Seed

Fennel is a spice ingredient that acts as an antioxidant. It is also stomachic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and solves any digestive problem. It contains vitamins and minerals like iron, potassium, copper, and magnesium. Fennel seeds increase circulation and oxygenation of the body organs as well as improve the immune system.


Clove is very beneficial for gut health. Consuming clove every day can increase your digestive power. Practice eating 2-3 cloves after meals.


The health benefits of cardamom include improving digestion, lowering blood pressure, increasing metabolism, increasing circulation, and increasing urine output. It provides riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, and minerals such as iron, manganese, and potassium.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek is one of the most popular spices in Asia. It is very effective in increasing body nutrition. Fenugreek improves digestion, reduces constipation, lowers cholesterol levels, and regulates insulin levels. It helps manage body fluids.

Black Cumin

Black cumin contains a combination of various qualities. Black cumin is very beneficial for heart health. We use black cumin seeds in various dishes. It helps in improving our heart health and protects our heart from various diseases. Black cumin is also widely popular for its hair benefits. It is quite effective in promoting hair growth.


Sajina has the ability to reduce inflammation in the body and calm the nerves. It helps prevent cancer, aids in digestion, and boosts the immune system due to its antioxidant compounds.

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