Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is a chemical process that keeps the body constantly fresh and helps all organs function.

In medical science, it is said that the organism survives and grows due to metabolism. It maintains the body structure of the human. It is understood that metabolism is very important for healthy living.

Metabolic rates differ between the sexes. Even body weight sometimes determines metabolic rate. Metabolism rate also depends on food.

The nutrients we consume through food are converted into energy through the body’s metabolism. A slower metabolism means fewer calories are consumed. As a result, the body accumulates extra calories. Consequently, fat increases. A faster metabolism reduces the risk of weight gain. You can speed up your metabolism by following some rules like drinking enough water, getting regular sleep, eating fiber-rich foods, having a full breakfast in the morning, and eating four to six times a day.

Also, keeping certain foods in the food list will increase metabolism.


Eating protein is essential to boosting metabolism. Eggs are high in protein, low in fat, and high in calories.

According to Burak, “protein-rich eggs increase the body’s metabolism and increase heat.”

“The body needs more energy to digest them, which is also referred to as the higher thermic effect of food (TEF). So, they can increase the body’s metabolic rate.”


Start the day with a bowl of oats. Apart from fiber, this food is a healthy source of various vitamins and minerals. It takes a lot of calories to get nutrients from oats. As a result, the possibility of weight gain is reduced, and cholesterol can be kept under control.


Bananas are high in calories and low in sugar. They contain resistant starch, which is a type of healthy carb that helps to boost metabolism. In addition, potassium in bananas can quickly deliver nutrients to various cells, improving metabolism.

Green vegetables:

Try to eat green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli every day. They are rich in iron, which is effective in boosting metabolism.


Drink a glass of fenugreek-soaked water every morning to speed up metabolism.

Some Foods Which Can Reduce Weight by Increasing Metabolism

Excess weight is now becoming a big problem. Our unhealthy eating and lifestyle are major causes of excess weight. Nowadays, people are not aware of their food. They eat what they want to eat but don’t think about whether the food is healthy or not. As a result, diseases like heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes occur. So be aware of what you eat; your weight needs to be controlled. Now we share some foods which can reduce your weight by increasing metabolism:

Nuts: Eating some nuts daily can increase mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body. This makes our health better by lowering bad cholesterol levels in our body and also helps in losing weight. Nuts also have fiber. Eating nuts can decrease your hunger and help with losing weight.

Green tea: Drinking green tea can increase your metabolism level. An ingredient called EGCG is present in green tea, which can remove fat from our body. This tea has polyphenols which can improve our digestion power and prevent the accumulation of extra fat in our body. Consuming 2-3 cups of green tea is good for health.

Turmeric: This spice is so good for our gut health. The presence of antioxidants can remove all toxins from our body. Milk with turmeric also helps to increase metabolism and boost our immunity.

Apple: This fruit contains pectin and fiber. After eating an apple, you can feel full for a long time. So, you can lose your overweight by eating this. This fruit also keeps diseases at bay in various ways.

Brown rice: Eating brown rice regularly can reduce your extra weight. The phytonutrients and fiber present in it play a special role in shedding excess fat as well as preventing diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Blackberry: Although it may sound surprising, it has already been proven in several studies that there is practically no alternative to blackberries for weight loss. In fact, the fiber present in them, after entering the body, fills the stomach to such an extent that one does not feel hungry for a long time. As a result, food intake naturally decreases. And it does not take time to lose weight by eating less. So if you want to lose weight fast, don’t forget to eat a handful of blackberries every day!

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